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The Essential Long-Term Care Insurance Benefits Handbook

This 28-page guide provides the fundamental knowledge you need to know before you or a loved one applies for long-term care insurance benefits.

LTC eBook Cover

What’s in the book? 

In these pages, you’ll learn what’s needed to qualify for benefits, steps you can take to strengthen your claim, and ways to overcome common & nefarious insurance company tactics to deny you what is rightfully yours.

Download the eBook Today

About the Authors


Evan Schwartz

Evan Schwartz is a highly skilled litigator with more than 30 years of experience litigating insurance recovery claims and litigation, as well as complex federal and state litigation. Evan has expertly managed claims and lawsuits against insurance companies in courts nationwide, making insurance companies uphold their commitments to policyholders.

As the Founder and CEO of Schwartz, Conroy & Hack PC, Evan continues his proud tradition of representing disabled professionals in the filing and managing of their long term disability claims, getting their claims paid without filing lawsuits, and preventing insurance companies from stopping payments.

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Michail Hack

Michail Hack is a seasoned insurance lawyer and litigator and ERISA practioner. has dedicated his 24 year-long career to battling long-term care, long-term disability, health and property insurance giants, securing justice for his clients through individual and class action lawsuits.

Not only is Michail a key member in the firm’s Insurance Litigation, Claims & Consulting Group but is Director of our disability claims management services group. He is widely respected and nationally known in the field of Disability Income and Long Term Disability Insurance.

Ready to learn about LTC benefits?

Table of Contents


Types of Long-Term Care Policies

What Do Long-Term Care Policies Pay For?

What Qualifications Must be Met to Receive Benefits?

Activities of Daily Living: Bathing

Activities of Daily Living: Eating

Activities of Daily Living: Dressing

Activities of Daily Living: Toileting

Activities of Daily Living: Caring for Incontinence

Activities of Daily Living: Transferring

Activities of Daily Living: Cognitive Impairment

What To Do Before Submitting Your Long-Term Care Claim

What Happens After You Submit Your Long-Term Care Claim?
